Monday, October 28, 2013

13.4 Dream (Svapna) And Deep Sleep (Sushupthi) And Their Arrogators (Abhimanee)

On the conclusion of good and bad actions that are within the waking state, and on the commencement of the good and bad actions of the dream state, the dream state emerges. Dreams are also created by impressions (samskaaraas). Some good or bad actions that do not have the ability to give joy or sorrow by presenting their gross objects, such lighter good or bad actions present their objects in a subtle form and give joy and sorrow.
The enjoyment of dream state, which is different from that of the waking state, is the expansion of our own intellect. It is a subtle enjoyment and that enjoyment happens in the light of our own self. The arrogator of the dream-Purusha (body), enjoys them. The arrogator of the entire dream state, in other words the taijasa self, is knowledge only with respect to them. To know alone is his enjoyment.
We need to investigate that we are not the dream Purusha, we are the seer of the dream who sees the entire dream.
In the waking state, we forget that we create the entire world. This happens because we become the arrogator of just one body. But the dream comes in our life, to remind us of this fact that we have the ability to create a whole new world. In dream, we make a mile-long place and a years-long time period. We are the Ishvara of the dream, this becomes clear.
The waking state is our transaction location, dream state our science (vijynaana) location and deep sleep state our resting location. But we are not bound to any of these. When we go into deep sleep, we do not remain in dream. When we go into dream, we do not stay in deep sleep. And when we go into waking state, we do not remain in dream. Therefore, we are never tied or stuck to any of these.
In this manner, on a daily basis, we experience our renunciation, our non-attached-nature, our dispassion, towards these.
What do we love the most? Our happiness, our self. That is why, after leaving everything, we establish everything in ourselves with such courage that we do not even know it. When everything left us - we do not even know.
If dream and deep sleep states did not exist, then this waking state would become real. There would be no way to understand the illusory nature of the waking state. When we think of the truth, our view will become extremely biased if we only analyze our experiences considering only the waking state and not the other two states! In the light of the experience of the dream and deep sleep states, the experience of the waking state is insignificant.
In dream, there is no stability of objects. In comparison with the objects of the waking state, the objects of the dream state are falsified, like the rope on a snake, that is why they are appearance only (praatibhaasika). That is the reason why we are not attracted towards objects in dream, but are attracted to objects in waking state. If the dream objects become as stable as the waking ones, our attraction to them will also happen like in waking objects. Therefore, just by the fact that we are attracted to them does not make the objects of the waking state real. Sometimes, there is attraction in dream also, and the memory of that dream remains with us for a lifetime.
Through our dreams, we realize the extent of the power of our imagination. Through deep sleep, we realize that the absence of everything is in me alone, while I am. The world is an appearance only (prateetimaatra), a dream. In our inherent nature, there is nothing called the world.

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